

9 Key Points to Sharing a New Activity with Your Child


Throughout my journey as a parent and Montessori educator, I have repeatedly seen how simple activities, offered at the right time and in the right way, can have a huge impact on a child’s behavior. Children are fascinated by real objects and they will ‘work’ with them to develop different abilities. With this in mind, I’ve created a series of videos of some of my favorite simple and easy activities, which you can share with your child at home or on the road. Not every activity will interest every child, but by watching your child at play you will start to learn what works best for her. Below are 9 key points to keep in mind when sharing a new activity with your child.

  1. Choose an age-appropriate* activity for your child
  2. Use few words to introduce the activity
  3. Give the proper language for each item used
  4. Sit opposite your dominant hand so you don’t block your child’s vision of the activity (if you’re right-handed, sit to the right of the child; lefties sit on the left)
  5. Slow down your movement, so your child can analyze what you’re doing
  6. Do not talk when showing the activity
  7. Only show your child a new activity when he is rested and well-fed
  8. Do not interrupt or correct once your child is engaged
  9. Enjoy sharing these moments with your child

*The appropriate age will depend on the child’s individual development and abilities as well as interests. These are all approximate ages; it is essential to follow your child’s needs by learning to observe them.

P.S. Would you like my support and guidance in setting up your Montessori home? If, yes then go ahead and schedule a ‘Discovery Session’ with me. It’s free and you’ll know if we are a good fit. 😉

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25 thoughts on “9 Key Points to Sharing a New Activity with Your Child”

  1. Baby is two and half month old , she can not lift her head up. Although we tried to giver her tummy time she just lying in the bed. On the other hand, she can eat her hand and thumb now but she still can not grasp or hit the bell that I prepared for her. What should I do to help her develop those skills? I am a new pageant I am really worried that I am not good enough To teacher her during her growing.

    • Karen, Two and half month is still quite young and her attention span is limited. Her grasping is only starting to develop. Has she started to observe her own hands yet? If you continue to be concerned it’s a good idea to have her seen by a professional.

  2. Thank you for the information, Jeanne-Marie. I am new to Montessori method and practise my knowledge with my son who is 19 months now. The challenge is that he cannot wait till I show him the new activity and wants to try on his own without actually see all the steps.
    Do you have any recommendations what should I do?

    • Mila, thank you for your interest. Yes at this age they are eager to get their hands on the activity. Waiting for their turn comes a bit later (36 months more or less). Try to keep the presentation short and you might have to do it in a few stages. show one aspect, let him try then show the next step. Or do it with him at first and then let him explore. But yes toddlers are eager to explore and can’t be bothered with waiting for you to be done 😉


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