

Raising Good Humans Every Day. With Hunter Clarke-Fields

Raising Good Humans Every Day with Hunter Clarke-Fields

What a wonderful way to start the new year mindfully! I am so happy to have Hunter on the podcast to share her mindfulness approach to raising good humans every day.

We Talked About

  • Her definition of Mindfulness 
  • Learning to be in a ‘being mode’
  • Hunter’s C.L.E.A.R Method 
  • How to be more present with our children
  • Nurturing Mindfulness with Our Children
  • The Raising Good Humans Guided Journal
  • Understanding what ‘unskilled words’ are in Parenting

Things to Remember

“Mindfulness is an incredible tool to help us be less reactive.”

“Blaming and shaming doesn’t work.”

“We do not have to fix and solve all our children’s problems.”

“What our children ultimately want from us is to be seen, heard, and accepted.”

“You wouldn’t be a great parent if you didn’t mess up sometimes.”

― Hunter Clarke-Fields

“When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Additional Resources

Raising Good Humans Every Day: 50 Simple Ways to Press Pause, Stay Present, and Connect with Your Kids

Raising Good Humans Guided Journal: Your Space to Write, Reflect, and Set Intentions for Mindful Parenting

Raising Good Humans: A Mindful Guide to Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting and Raising Kind, Confident Kids

EP 17: Raising Good Humans. With Hunter Clarke-Fields

143 Simplify with Montessori at Home – Jeanne-Marie Paynel being interviewed by Hunter.

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Let’s Continue the conversation…

Now, Hunter and I want to hear from you!

How do you embrace mindfulness in everyday parenting? Listen to Mindful Mama Hunter Clarke-Fields as she leads the way to raising good humans daily.

Leave a comment below and let us know; you’ll also be helping others to know what is possible.

Remember, The Art of Parenting was created for you. If you have any suggestions for experts, I should have on the show or parenting questions you want to be answered. Please let me know here.

More About My Guest

Hunter Clarke-Fields is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course, host of the Mindful Mama Podcast, and author of the international bestseller, “Raising Good Humans” and “Raising Good Humans Every Day.” 

Hunter has appeared in CNBC, NBC, the Huffington Post, Tiny Buddha, MOPS, Elephant Journal, Mothering, and more. She is the mother of two active daughters, who challenge her daily to hone her craft!

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