

Uplevel Your Parenting Mindset. With Lorena Seidel

Uplevel Your Parenting Mindset with Lorena Seidel

*Trigger warning – mention of child abuse* Lorena and I met many years ago and have been exchanging ideas and similar approaches to enhancing parenting ever since. Listen in as she shares her approach to healing our childhood traumas to better parent the children we have been entrusted with.

What We Talked About

  • The important work of rewiring from generational patterns of toxic upbringing 
  • Our parenting mindset and how to upgrade it
  • What are limiting beliefs and how to transform them
  • Lorena’s four pillars of her work 
  • What are family meetings and how to set them up to have a connection
  • The importance of sharing your vision and dreaming together.
  • You are your child’s social-emotional coach

Things to Remember

“One generation of emotionally intelligent parents will be able to raise a new generation of humans who can finally heal humanity.”

“Nothing really shifted from me until I upgraded my mindset and my emotional intelligence skills.”

“We have the best intentions, we don’t have the best mindset or the best strategy or skills.”

“We all know who we are when we are in a great state of mind.”

“A lot of the time, our children’s misbehavior comes from lack of skills.”

“The Family Meeting creates the opportunity for a shared vision.”

“Being our children’s social-emotional coach is the most important role we’ll ever have as parents.”

– Lorena Seidel

Additional Resources

Lorena’s Free Mini Class

Free Joyful Family Quiz

Lorena’s Family Meeting Guide

Let’s Continue the conversation…

Now, Lorena and I want to know from you!

Are you craving a deeper connection with your children? Listen in to learn the important role your mindset plays.

Leave a comment below and let us know, you’ll also be helping others to know what is possible.

Remember The Art of Parenting was created for you, if you have any suggestions for experts I should have on the show or parenting questions you want to be answered please let me know here.

More About My Guest

Lorena Seidel M.Ed. is an Emotional Intelligence and Mindset Specialist, a certified Montessori teacher, a trained Positive Discipline Educator, a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction {MBSR} teacher, and a mother of three.

Lorena helps families end fights, disconnection, and frustrations so that adults and kids can work together as a strong team. She has helped hundreds of parents create a healthy, peaceful, and joyful family dynamic. 


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