

Wooden Egg and Cup

Wooden Egg and Cup by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com


Most commercial toys try to cram a lot of “bang for their buck”. Imagine, with just one toy, your child will be able to learn colors, numbers, and shapes! She’ll practice sorting and stacking while listening to classical music, and each time she does it right, the toy will light up and shout out “Good job!”

This sounds like a great toy, right? Wrong! The best toys are the simplest ones…

Whether your goal is to help your child develop skills or just keep her entertained, you will reach your objective much more successfully if you keep your child away from flashy toys. While lights, sounds, and garish colors are initial attractors for children, they actually reduce their ability to concentrate because their brains become overwhelmed by the stimulation.

To truly help your child develop skills and concentration, it’s essential to isolate concepts. Each toy should focus only on one ability; in this week’s video, it’s hand-eye coordination. As simple as the egg & cup look, they are actually incredibly attractive to babies who can sit up unassisted. They will spend a long amount of time exploring the shapes and trying different variations to reach the goal of fitting the egg in the cup.

The toy is quiet, with muted wood tones and gentle lines. And yet, it packs a powerful developmental punch! The entertainment and rewards come, not from flashing lights or repetitive music, but from satisfying an internal need to master a particular ability. When you match your child’s inner need with the right Montessori toy, you’ll discover the power of these simple activities!

If you’d like some guidance in choosing appropriate toys for your child, contact me using the “Looking for more?” tab below.

A beautiful wooden egg and cup are an ideal pairing for developing hand-eye coordination. You can give a quick lesson on how to pair them, or simply let your 9-month old baby explore!

For more tips on how to introduce Montessori activities, read The Nine Key Points to Sharing a New Activity with Your Child.

P.S. Would you like my support and guidance setting-up your Montessori home? If, yes then go ahead and schedule a ‘Discovery Session’ with me. It’s free and you’ll know if we are a good fit. 😉

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