

Use a Topponcino as an Infant Security Pillow

The sight of a newborn baby is such a joy, many of your friends and relatives inevitably come knocking soon after the birth to behold your creation. Many will ask to hold the infant in their arms.

Imagine the discomfort this can cause an infant who is being passed around from person to person while they are being admired. It can be startling for them to switch environments so quickly as they lose their only reference point with the world, mother or father.

Though it sounds like it might be an espresso-based beverage, the Topponcino is a tactic used in the Montessori approach to parenting which actually has a calming effect in this situation.

This security pillow offers a supportive and comfortable surface for a parent to place their baby in its first few months. Putting the infant on the Topponcino keeps them in their own warmth and smell, which is a valuable reference point as they are passed around from person to person, allowing them to feel secure. It’s also a wonderful way for an older sibling to hold their baby brother or sister with ease, giving the protective parents some peace of mind as well.

An added bonus of the Topponcino is that when your baby falls asleep on it while in your arms, you can gently set them down without having to transfer them to a different surface or temperature.

Find out how the Topponcino, a type of security pillow, is an ideal tool to support our infants in a nurturing way.

For direction on how to make the Topponcino check out the DIY instructions HERE. To purchase a high quality one check out The Topponcino Company.

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4 thoughts on “Use a Topponcino as an Infant Security Pillow”

  1. I love the one you made and want to have one made but the link for the DIY instructions doesn’t work. Please fix this! I would love to make one exactly like the one in the video!?


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