

Healing After Birth. With Jennifer Summerfeldt

Healing After Birth. with Jennifer Summerfeldt

Our birth experience, how we came to the world, and how, if able, we give birth to our own have a lasting impact on our overall well-being. Today’s episode is all about healing after birth.

What We Talked About

  • Midwifery and alternative birth options
  • Overcoming the fear induced by mainstream pregnancy advice
  • Understand different birth paradigms
  • Choosing birth based on values
  • The emergence of free birth
  • The difference between a disappointing birth experience and birth trauma
  • How birth trauma impacts both the body and mind
  • How the nervous system reacts during traumatic events like childbirth
  • Identifying postpartum challenges

Things to Remember

“Parenting is about learning how to listen to that guiding principle that resides in all of us as a human being.”

“It’s important that you understand what the hospital birth paradigm includes, so you can manage and take charge of your experience.”

“When you hire a professional or registered midwife, most often you have the option to give birth at home, in a birthing center or a hospital.”

“Any choice out of fear is usually a bad recipe.”

“You can have a disappointing birth experience that is not traumatic.”

“It’s not about controlling the outside world. It’s about knowing that there’s a way for us to ride the waves of life, to ride the stressors of life and it doesn’t have to be traumatic.”

“Rest in the role of motherhood.”

― Jennifer Summerfeldt

Additional Resources:

Books by Jennifer Summerfeldt:

Books mentioned during the episode:

The film Jennifer mentioned: A Clear Road to Birth

Let’s Continue the conversation…

Now, Jennifer and I want to hear from you!

What does it truly take to heal after a challenging birth? Listen to this powerful conversation with Jennifer Summerfeldt to find out.

Remember, The Art of Parenting was created for you. If you have any suggestions for experts, I should have on the show or parenting questions you want to be answered. Please let me know here.

More About My Guest

Jennifer holds an MA in Counselling Psychology (MACP) and is a Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC). 

She is the Founder of ASK Therapy for Moms. With over 20+ years of experience in maternal health, childbirth, and psychology studies, she uses her expertise and voice to help advance the dialogue on trauma-informed care, maternal mental health, and healing in general.

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