

Nuts & Bolts

Wooden Nut & Bolt by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com

I recently came across a series of workbooks for two-year olds that promised to help toddlers “develop fine motor skills” through coloring and pasting stickers. Do you feel pressured to buy workbooks to support your child’s development? Did you know that your child benefits more from everyday objects you have around your house than he ever will from those workbooks?

Montessori has dozens of simple activities designed to keep little children engaged while helping them develop fine motor skills, concentration, and self-discipline. The Nuts & Bolts activity in this week’s video is one example of many. Apart from strengthening the wrists and fingers, activities with everyday objects also help your child to be independent and feel successful. He’ll also feel like a contributing member of the family because he’s trusted with the same objects he sees you using.

To maximize the benefit of any Montessori activity, encourage your little one to complete a cycle of work. Show him how to take out the material and carry it to the table, and then show him how to put it back on the shelf where it belongs. By setting these expectations, you’ll help your child develop self-discipline and a support his need for an orderly environment.

If you’re ready to ditch the workbooks and set up a home environment that truly supports your child’s natural development, then my Parenting Program is right for you! Click the “Let’s Talk!” button to get started on this empowering journey!

A quick trip to the hardware store provides the items necessary for this engaging activity, ideal for a 2 ½ or 3-year old. You can start with nuts and bolts of the same diameter, and as your child masters the activity you can increase the challenge by varying the diameters. This is a perfect on-the-go activity that can be transported in a little bag. Just make sure your child is no longer putting objects in his mouth and is not in a throwing phase.

For more tips on how to introduce Montessori activities, read The Nine Key Points to Sharing a New Activity with Your Child.

P.S. Would you like my support and guidance setting-up your Montessori home? If, yes then go ahead and schedule a ‘Discovery Session’ with me. It’s free and you’ll know if we are a good fit. 😉

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