

Remembering Perdita Huston

Today would have been my beautiful mother’s 76 birthday, Perdita Huston.
She left us ten years ago on a December night, too soon, too young.
Time has been a great healer of sadness and sorrow but it will never
take away the longing I have for her wise and supportive advise.
Often I have thought; what would mother think about this or that…

Here is a link of the great work of many at the University of New England,
illustrating and documenting Perdita Huston’s contributions to her world.

Comments and/or memories of Perdita would be very special to all of us.

Be well,


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2 thoughts on “Remembering Perdita Huston”

  1. Bravo Jenny, ton site est magnifique, agréable à lire, apaisant, harmonieux. je te souhaite plein de bonnes choses dans ta nouvelle aventure….Et si je devais retourner 21 ans en arrière, je viendrais te voir!
    A bientôt. Bises


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