

New Beginnings, Digital Detox and more

new beginning

New Beginnings

2017 has come and gone*, a new day, a new year, a new beginning, and a supermoon to welcome us into 2018.

The full moon is a time to re-evaluate intentions we have created for ourselves, it’s a time to reassess whether they still serve us, asking ourselves whether we need to let them go or keep moving ahead. This time of year is a perfect time (as it is every day) to let go, forgive and keep doing what we enjoy and do best.

I did it!

7 days of total digital detox, well, not total, as I did want to stay in contact with my family via WhatsApp and Messenger. But yes, I took all the social media apps off my phone, removed the email icon to a faraway screen and only had music and podcast on the front screen. It was hard at first and now I surely do not want to go back to mindless scrolling.

It’s an amazing experiment and I can’t recommend it enough.

It does not have to be this intense, but an intentional approach to our daily consumption of digital information is worth it. It’s good for every aspect of our existence, and it gives us new ways of being, being present and doing what is most important to us.

It gave me the opportunity to do things I never had time for and yet I see and react to daily. I easily let myself be pulled in all sorts of different direction, it was a wonderful opportunity to just follow my own needs for once. True self-care, self-love.

Did you have a house full of guests; family members visiting for the holidays or maybe you traveled to be with them?

Well, I was gifted quite the contrary, 4 days of total solitude and the opportunity to live like a hermit, an introvert’s dream.

It was due to an unfortunate event, my children’s great-grandmother passed away at 98, so my husband flew back to France to be with his family on Christmas eve day, we could not really justify all going back, so I took it as a gift, the opportunity to have much needed alone time. My son was around, but at 17 it was an occasion for him to spend as much time away from home, camping with friends or at their house (this is why the Montessori adolescent program encourages our young adults to live away from home).

I finally did it!

I emptied out every single cupboard in my kitchen and only put back the essentials. It feels so good to only have what sparks joy and what is truly essential. I put into practice what I preach; de-clutter, simplify to prepare a well-adapted environment for your family.

As I emptied cupboards, closets and went thru old photos, I had lots of time to review the highlights of yet another wonderful year passing by.

*Here are some 2017 events I am grateful for:

1. Traveling with my daughter to her city of choice, Glasgow, Scotland. The first time she went off to college I never made it out to help her settle in, so this was more than special to be able to see where she will be living and studying for the next few years. I do hope 2018 will give me the opportunity to return to Scotland for there seems to be so much to discover there.

2. Spending seven weeks in Europe and most importantly spending time close to my father. Living so far away is hard at times, as much as it was a personal choice and the way I was brought up, living far away from loved ones is still hard. Having the opportunity to just be there, to simply go buy the newspaper or go to the market with my father means so much to me.

3. I love, love to travel and always have, so discovering Prague, and Glasgow this year was amazing. Prague was exceptionally beautiful as if walking thru a fairy tale book. I was there to attend and speak at the International Montessori Congress and this was definitely a highlight for my professional self this year.

4. Speaking in front of larger and larger groups of interested parents and professionals, both abroad and in the US was extremely gratifying. Knowing that what I set out to do 7 years ago of serving families by sharing the benefits of Montessori, positive discipline and conscious parenting is being well received, brings me great joy.

5. 2017 brought me new friends, new connections and created new opportunities to keep growing and learning to be the best version of myself and that I am truly grateful for.

Did you receive my “Gift of Love”? click the link if not 😉

And, today, as I do every day I continue to be grateful for my health, my healthy marriage (of 23 years this July) and …

My healthy children, a true blessing to witness their personality unfold. My daughter, now 21 is living out her passion for art history and political science at the University of Glasgow. She got there in a roundabout way, an unconventional way you might say but it was her way and I am so very proud of her. My cautious daredevil son, now 17 continues to go downhill at 60 mph on a skateboard (not so grateful for the stress it produces in me). He also started a new high school and is slowly findings his way as he discovers what he wants his future to look like.

A roof over my head I call home and that I so enjoy being in. The aloes are blooming this time of year, truly a beautiful sight to contemplate.

So, tell me what were you grateful for in 2017? What are you looking forward to in 2018?

As 2018 begins, let me know how I can better serve you and what you desire to see and receive more from me.

Wishing you and your family joy, ease and peace each and every day.

Always here for you,

P.S. If the holiday hangover of too many toys have you frazzled please do not hesitate to reach out. Get the guidance to know what is beneficial to keep. I am available for on-going mentoring and support as you discover how to create a safe, beautiful and engaging environment for your child in 2018. I have only a few private mentoring spots open, so be sure to learn if this is meant for you as you create new intentions for 2018. >> Book your call today! <<

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5 thoughts on “New Beginnings, Digital Detox and more”

  1. I also had some solitude with the friend who has cancer slowly getting more independent after radiation, and I began to feel peace, and new thoughts that I haven’t had since I was 16 years old. Also cleared my kitchen cupboards and tried a few recipes that have been in my mind.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences, my thoughts are with you.

  2. Karen, Thank you for sharing. Solitude every once in a while is so good for the soul. Sending healing thoughts for your friend. And continue finding these moments for yourself, its all part of the self-care we all desperately need.

  3. Dear Jeanne-Marie, Just got around your website after a while for some week-end inspiration and read this. So happy for you as I’d been someone, who’ve been following your work and growth least for the past 5 years (yes, our boy is almost five now!) and you’ve come a long way! This is just to share how happy for you and grateful I am to have you around. With love from Germany! Sandarenu

    • Thank you Sandarenu! Hard to believe it has been 5 years, so glad you are still finding inspiration. It is true when I set out on this mission little did I know where it would take me, it has been an amazing journey. Thank you for being part of it.


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