

EP 76: Mommy Burnout With Dr. Sheryl Ziegler

Mommy Burnout with Dr. Sheryl Ziegler

Knowing and understanding the signs of Mommy Burnout is the first step to taking your mental health seriously. My guest today shares her wisdom on this important topic.

Once you’ve listened, come share your takeaways or ask questions in your dedicated FB podcast group

What We Talked About

  • Parenting is an ever-evolving dance
  • The importance of trusting yourself and your gut 
  • Why is it so hard to seek out help when you suspect something is wrong or don’t feel like yourself?
  • Defining Mommy Burnout and how to know you are experiencing it.
  • How to avoid Mommy Burnout.
  • Helping your children have good Digital Wellness.

Things to Remember

“Parenting is like a dance. Sometimes you want to speed up and sometimes you’ve got to lay low. Sometimes you have to let them shine and sometimes you have to be the one to take a lead.”

“Take the things that inspire you and that you learn and make it your own. It’s your own artwork.”

“Self-care is health care.”

“Ban busy. Busy builds walls.”

“To do it in community is so much easier than to be on your own. That means attracting people with the same value that you have.”

– Dr. Sheryl Ziegler

“Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.” – Michael Gungor

Additional Resources

Mommy Burnout: How to Reclaim Your Life and Raise Healthier Children in the Process

TEDx Talks: Why Moms are Miserable

Let’s Continue the conversation…

I want to hear from you. Be sure to join our dedicated Facebook group.

Click here to join The Art of Parenting with Jeanne-Marie Paynel, M. Ed. Private Facebook group and let’s continue these wonderful conversations there. Come share your successes and challenges and get your parenting questions answered.

Now, Dr. Sheryl and I want to know from you!

 Are you looking for answers to your mood shifts during pregnancy or postpartum? Listen in to find your answers.

Remember The Art of Parenting was created for you, if you have any suggestions for experts I should have on the show or parenting questions you want to be answered please fill out the form below.

Click here to submit your parenting questions. 

More About my Guest

Dr. Sheryl Gonzalez Ziegler is the best-selling author of Mommy Burnout, the podcast host of Dr. Sheryl’s PodCouch, a regular national and local news contributor, and runs a private group practice in Denver, CO.

She is also a national and international presenter on topics related to stress, parenting, mental health, and burnout as well as a TEDx speaker.

Show Sponsor

This episode of The Art of Parenting is sponsored by both the Childhood Potential and Happily Family conferences. Click the images below to learn more and register for these two fabulous FREE events!

This episode of The Art of Parenting is sponsored by Happily Family. Mindful Parenting and Emotional Wellness. To learn more about the full program and register for FREE CLICK HERE!

This episode of The Art of Parenting is sponsored by Childhood Potential. Dedicated to Babies and Toddlers. To learn more about the full program and register for FREE or purchase the premium package CLICK HERE!


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