⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: Covert Emotional Abuse. ⚠️
How to spot a sneaky spider? As this episode unraveled it became quite emotional for me, as it might for you. I was triggered by some of the things my guest shared, realizing that I had been a victim of covert emotional abuse.
Dr. Amy took a moment at the end of our conversation to help me and all those listening to be mindful and loving towards ourselves.
Please take good care of yourself and as Dr. Amy shared, have loving curiosity as to why some of these conversations may trigger you.
Once you’ve listened, come share your takeaways or ask questions in your dedicated FB podcast group.
What We Talked About
- How can we protect children from abuse before the fact
- How to help children recognize the signs and be confident to report them
- What is covert emotional abuse and how to identify it
- How parents can help their children when they are feeling that something is not right
- The importance of Mindfulness
- Teaching our children to have physical and emotional autonomy
Things to Remember
“Mindfulness is paying attention here and now with kindness and curiosity so that we can choose our behavior.”
“It’s very hard for children to understand that the person that’s being overly nice is a potential risk.”
“As uncomfortable as having these conversations with your children may be, it’s way more comfortable than having a conversation after the fact.”
-Dr. Amy Saltzman
Additional Resources
Let’s Continue the conversation…
I want to hear from you. Be sure to join our dedicated Facebook group.
Click here to join The Art of Parenting with Jeanne-Marie Paynel, M. Ed. Private Facebook group and let’s continue these wonderful conversations there. Come share your successes and challenges and get your parenting questions answered.
Now, Dr. Amy and I want to know from you!
If you or your child suspect something is not right, trust your instincts and take action. Listen in to learn how to spot a sneaky spider.
Remember The Art of Parenting was created for you, if you have any suggestions for experts I should have on the show or parenting questions you want to be answered please fill out the form below.
Click here to submit your parenting questions.
More About my Guest
Dr. Amy is a former competitive gymnast, physician, mindfulness coach, author, victim/sur-thrivor of decades of covert emotional abuse, and expert on protecting children from abuse. She has a knack for translating difficult topics into “kid speak.”
She is passionate about preventing abuse in sports, schools, music programs, religious settings, and community activities.
- Website: Spot A Spider
- Facebook: Amy Saltzman & Spot A Spider