

Creating an Intentional 30-Day Digital Detox

What does self-care look like to you?

For me, it’s creating an intentional 30-day digital detox.

Care to join me? We will have to wait to share once it’s over… #30daysdigitaldetox

I’m flying to Paris (my second home), in a few days, spending a month catching up with friends and family in Europe. During that time, I’ll be in Italy with my immediate family, that’s 27 of us, including my daughter I haven’t seen in a year, for two whole weeks.

So what better time than now?

I’m unplugging from social media and connecting with those who truly matter.

I want to be intentional about the tools I have at my fingertips. It’s so easy for me to get lost in the addictive habits of following what others are doing. Aware of how this mindless wandering can sometimes affect my mood, my self-worth and the perception I have of my own journey. I made a decision.

I get to practice what I preach. I’m in charge and I get to decide that a 30-day digital detox is the self-care I need. Self-care in the 21st century looks a little different, it means taking a break from easily accessible technology. I’ll be using pen and paper, reading printed material enjoying those who surround me all the while having time to create more content for you.

I’ve been working behind the scene, preparing the next Be the Best Parent You Can Be interview series. 16 of the interviews are done and 6 are lined up for when I return. I’ll share more about this when I get back. Just know that I’ve got some wonderful, wise, funny and inspiring guests lined up for you. Can’t wait to share them.

As for sharing my adventures and travels, I’ll definitely be taking photos, just not sharing them on a daily basis. No immediate uploads, just the old fashion way of having to wait until I return home to develop and print or better yet have you over for a slideshow. 😉

Are you going to try it with me?

Here what I’m planning for this experiment; taking all social media apps off my phone, including email and I will not reinstall them until I am back in 30 days.

With all that said I will keep my promise of being available to answer your questions on my weekly Montessori Monday. A promise is a promise

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Parenting was never meant to be done alone!