Object Permanence Box
Object Permanence Box by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com I recently received this question from a client: “My 8-month old freaks out every time I am out of her sight.
Object Permanence Box by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com I recently received this question from a client: “My 8-month old freaks out every time I am out of her sight.
Wooden Nut & Bolt by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com I recently came across a series of workbooks for two-year olds that promised to help toddlers “develop fine motor skills”
Throughout my journey as a parent and Montessori educator, I have repeatedly seen how simple activities, offered at the right time and in the right way, can have a huge
If you’ve been following the Voila Montessori video series, you’ve probably had the opportunity to give several presentations to your child by now. She might have shown interest in some
Spooning by Jeanne Marie Paynel from voilamontessori.com When little children participate in Practical Life activities, you’ll often see them completely absorbed in their work, oblivious to what’s going on around
In her first school for young children in Rome, Dr. Maria Montessori created a series of activities to help her young students become more capable of caring for themselves and
The bracelets on peg is a simple eye-hand coordination activity for the young child. This activity engages the child’s visual discrimination on the road to independence, teaching him what he
As you start thinking about holiday gifts for your children or those of family and friends, remember to question the purposeful and intelligent activity behind each toy. This stitching block
You don’t need to purchase expensive toys to entertain your young child. Everyday objects found around the home can offer hours of engagement and fascination, as well as valuable
A small duster made of natural wool or a small soft brush will give the child the opportunity to carefully dust the leaves of non-toxic plants. The simple task of
Thank you to The Mom’s Guide to San Diego, for featuring Voila Montessori! Less is More in Your Child’s Home A “floor bed” may not be your idea of a beautiful addition
A life well lived, Maria Montessori. An amazing interactive timeline of Maria Montessori’s life and the method that holds her name. Maria and Mario Montessori visiting with children. “I did
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